A 5 week placard project. Inspired by artist Sister Corita Kent and her 'pageants to raise awareness' the project brief was to share a message of wisdom, protest or hope for your community. This project was funded by Northfield Community Partnership.
Be Held/Hold On
Allow Yourself to Blossom
Shine Bright
My picture is about being positive about yourself and others. Wherever you go people are just horrible. I want there to be more positivity and niceness.
There for the grace of God go you/I
This is a saying that my Nan always said. It made you stop and think about what you had.
When I was 9 I went into hospital to have my teeth sorted out and I met a little baby who I loved playing with who was so gorgeous. Then I found out he had leukaemia and my Nan said there for the grace of God go you. The next step for that baby was heaven, and I just needed stiches taken out.
Never Give Up Never Grow Old
Every Child Matters
Native American/Canadian Residential Schools and the horror of finding the unmarked graves.
She Believed He Could and He Did
I had a stroke in January and I couldn’t use my left side at all for 10 days. People prayed for me and I prayed. I believed that He could heal me, and he did. There is half a sun in my artwork because it was half my body that I lost. There’s still weakness on my left side but now I can walk and have independence and I managed to make this!
Love Yourself
As a person struggling to love myself in my current situation, I often refer to this phrase from someone I admire on TV. I have changed the saying slightly so it more relevant to me. I also wanted to show how other people see you and themselves in a different way. So I came up with the idea of our group putting their handprint and words on my board showing either one word on how they love themselves or what they like about me.
In this day and age there is lots of knowledge about everything and several variations of the truth but having wisdom to know what to do with that information is important.
The vulture in the storm represents the abuse with all the lies and horrible stuff. The clear skies and the dove represent what came after knowing the truth of God.
This girl represents me before I knew the truth of God.
The cage is representative of my abuse and how trapped I was.
The cross represents the time that I learnt the truth.
These Bible verses helped me come to terms with my true identity. I was installed with shame and guilt, but that wasn’t mine to hold.
So Will You
My Painting represents survivors of Domestic Abuse. The light at the end of the tunnel. When I left my abuser I felt like he broke me down into this woman I didn't recognise. I felt so lost and felt ashamed of myself of who I was in "survival mode". It was like I had forgotten who I once was, this strong, independent woman. It takes time to heal and forgive yourself and to find yourself again but this time more stronger than ever before, even though there are times when I feel like I'm running out of Strength. I'm so proud that I loved myself enough to walk away. I hope others can find strength to do the same. We are Beautiful, Brave and Strong.
It's Okay to be Different
I’d like to thank Hannah because without her we wouldn’t all come here and do all this kind of artwork and get together and I want to thank Anna and Jemma too.
My picture’s all about being different ‘cause all my life I’ve felt a bit different and funny but if weren’t all different and funny then life wouldn’t be what it should be.
I’ve done a tree ‘cause we all grow in different ways and different directions and butterflies because they all grow from an ugly caterpillar into a lovely butterfly and that’s what life is about, figuring out who we are and where we’re meant to be.
Growing Survivor
Growing Survivor- my art work represents me and others who have been through trauma. Reminding us all that we are NOT victims but survivors, and although we all have battles and feel hopeless and defeated, that isn't the case! We are still here, we are standing, taking a step forward each second of each day, each month and each year.
Toadstools spiritually symbolise growth, enlightment and rebirth. The life cycle, with its ability to emerge from darkness and decay. The cyclical nature of life, death and transformation.
The words on my board is to give people hope and strength, as I feel wherever we look there is bad, negative news, I cutted out headlines and words that were full of hate and violence and changed them to being positive hoping if someone is having a bad time they can look at the words to give them a sign that it's OK to not be OK, to carry on and they have a voice.